Oregon Online CHL Safety Training Course
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ENROLL ~ OregonCHLTraining.com

The First Step to Personal Protection by Obtaining Your Oregon CHL

chl onlineWhen you enroll in Online CHL Training with our Firearm Safety Course, you will get access to our comprehensive study guide (pdf) that will provide all the information needed to pass the exam and earn your safety training certificate.

We have designed the test to be challenging, but most answers should be common sense and basic safety to a safe handgun owner, especially for carrying a concealed handgun.

The training exam is 45 questions. Once you have accessed the exam, you cannot go back to take that exam again. Most people finish the exam in little over an hour. Correctly answering at least 80% of the questions, 36 of 45 questions, is required to pass. If you don't pass, you will have a second chance to take another version of the exam.

The price of the online Oregon CHL Training course is $39.

* Note, there are additional fees to apply for your CHL license through your local Sheriff office.

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* Please doublecheck that your name is spelled correctly. This is how your name will look on your certificate.
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*Your password is case-sensitive, and should include at least 8 uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and should NOT use easy-to-guess phrases. Memorize it, do not write it down or give to anybody.

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Upon submit, you will be emailed to confirm your registration, with the link to the payment screeen. Upon successful payment you can access the training course area of the website. Thanks!
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Please contact OregonCHLTraining.com with any questions.
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OregonCHLTraining.com also offer in-person, public & private classes for both Oregon & Utah.

The live Oregon CHL class is three hours. The course covers basic firearms safety, Oregon CHL rules and Use of Lethal Force.
Cost: $45.00

The live Utah CWP class is four hours. The Utah non-resident permit allows you to legally carry in 32 states.
Cost: $85.00

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Best Online CHL Training for Oregon CHL is offered by OregonCHLTraining.com
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